Posts tagged ‘cupcake corer’

November 9, 2012

Tools of the (Cupcake) Trade

Well, I found this fun little tool at Walmart for $1.87.  When I first saw these cupcake corers on the internet,  I assumed it would be way more expensive and wrote it off as a useless gimicky gadget (say that five times fast!)  But, for the price, how could I pass it up.  It wasn’t exactly a life altering investment.

Well, good thing it wasn’t. I bought it the weekend I made the apple crisp cupcakes which I already knew I’d be filling with apples.  Perfect time to try it out.  Unless I used it wrong, it basically just cuts through the cupcake, but it doesn’t pull the middle of the cake out when you take it out.  After three attempts, I grabbed my paring knife and finished coring my cupcakes.

Moral of the story – this is not a gadget that you need to make filled cupcakes.